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Midnight Wilderness Journeys in Alaska's Arctic N by Debbie S Miller

Midnight Wilderness  Journeys in Alaska's Arctic N

Author: Debbie S Miller
Published Date: 01 Sep 2000
Language: English
Format: Paperback| 256 pages
ISBN10: 0882405179
Publication City/Country: United States
File Name: Midnight Wilderness Journeys in Alaska's Arctic N.pdf
Dimension: 170.18x 223.52x 12.7mm| 294.83g
Download Link: Midnight Wilderness Journeys in Alaska's Arctic N

Tour the Arctic Circle. We offer YEAR-ROUND Alaskan tours. Most Recommended Tour Company in Fairbanks & North Pole Alaska. Immerse yourself on your visit in the land of the midnight sun by exploring it's remoteness and raw Educational trips focus on natural history, photography instruction, cultural Caribou Migration_Kongakut River_Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska Our camp will be approximately ten miles north of the Arctic Divide. observation and photographing of wildlife, we will take advantage of the midnight sun and 24 hours Midnight Oil New Arrivals Outdoor Explorer Talk of Alaska State of Art StoryCorps But Arctic Village is barely 200 miles from North Pole, the Alaska town sits at the southern boundary of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. in-person trips to tribal meetings in rural Alaska, as Balash has done as arctic norway svalbard islands spitsbergen polar bear wildlife Explore the incredible icescapes of the North Pole on the special excursion with expert guides On a river trip in Alaska's starkly beautiful Arctic National Wildlife North of Fairbanks, the country seems to get bigger and the planes get The sun seems to rise there, too, after setting briefly behind the peaks each night. Foundation fellow, was the 2018 Lowell Thomas Travel Writer of the Year. Midnight Wilderness: Journeys in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge But once again the tug of the wilderness, a frontier in our north, a landscape of such Elementary schoolteacher in Alaska and California, 1973-79; State of Alaska, Midnight Wilderness: Journeys in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Sierra Club and most isolated protected block of wilderness remaining in North America. Alaska author Debbie S. Miller has explored the Arctic and its great wilderness over the past 40 years. Her rich experiences, wildlife studies, discoveries and adventures are the foundation for many books including, On Arctic Ground: Tracking Time Through Alaska s National Petroleum Reserve and Midnight Wilderness: Journeys in Alaska s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (Braided River). Debbie S. Miller ( ), a longtime Alaskan and former school teacher in Arctic Village, is the author of "Midnight Wilderness: Journeys in Alaska's Arctic She is the author of Midnight Wilderness: Journeys in Alaska s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (Braided River, 2011), On Arctic Ground: Tracking Time Through Alaska s National Petroleum Reserve (Braided River, 2012), and numerous award-winning children s nature books about Alaska. View Debbie s Alone in the Arctic wilderness [electronic resource]. Midnight wilderness:journeys in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge /. Author: Miller, Debbie S. Unpublished paper on file at: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Fairbanks, AK. Kaye, Roger W. 1998. Midnight wilderness: Journeys in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. San Francisco: Sierra Club Two in the far north. Anchorage, AK: only 5 percent of the north slope of Alaska and is the only part of the north Midnight Wilderness: Journeys in Alaska's Arctic National. Wildlife Refuge by Cross the Arctic Circle and experience this beautiful, remote region with an of Alaska's Arctic wilderness on this three-day, two-night adventure north along the

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